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Re: chestnut boot cover on eBay

To: "Keith R. Stewart" <kstewart@wwdc.com>
Subject: Re: chestnut boot cover on eBay
From: "Kirby T. Kenyon" <kenyonkt@maple.lemoyne.edu>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 16:18:15 -0400
Right, this large range of years had me baffled too.

Sorry, I meant New Tan, really I did   8^}

On Thu, 28 Oct 1999 16:28:41 -0400
"Keith R. Stewart" <kstewart@wwdc.com> wrote:

|Kirby T. Kenyon wrote:
|> Chestnut is a kind of orangy brown color.  I have a '72 that has a
|> chestnut interior and I have an '80 that has a "New Beige" interior and
|> they aren't even close.
|Right....a very deep and dark colour when compared to the Tan, New Tan, or
|Bisque (non factory) colours.
|> I recently bought a used, not very good condition black boot cover which
|> doesn't fit on either car quite right.  The original '72 boot cover
|> seems to have shrunken and hardened on one end so I have nothing to fit
|> the '72.  Does anyone else have this problem?  I mean, is it common for
|> these pieces of 25+ year old vinyl to shrink?
|No doubt they shrink...on my 62 (owned since 66), the vinyl shrunk even
|when I was using it as my everyday car.
|BTW, I would be surprised that something that would fit a 68-70 MkIII would
|also fit a 71-80 MkIV/1500 since they have different cockpit surrounds at
|the rear. Just another .02 worth. :-)


Kirby T. Kenyon
System Administrator
Le Moyne College, Syracuse, NY

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