Scott, to save yourself $$$ there wouldn't be anything wrong with running
wires and wiring in the receptacle (leave this open for electrician to see)
and leaving the final connection to the box to a pro.
Remember the wires coming into the box are a big as your thumbs, there's a
reason they are that big.......zap....
Larry Hoy
> -----Original Message-----
> From:
> [] On Behalf Of
> Sent: Friday, March 25, 2005 2:17 PM
> To: Larry; 'shop-talk'
> Subject: RE: WOOT! the tig is here!
> most definitely. I've done a lot of home wiring, but stuff
> like lights, switches, etc. I can follow the books okay,
> I've just never messed with a box before, other than to once
> put in a new breaker. wiring doesn't bother me because I can
> shut off the breaker and there's no power. in the box
> concerns me just because somewhere in there is live 220v/200
> amp power that I can't shut off. live electricity scares me
> enough to be over-cautious.