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Re[2]: Air compressors yet again.

To: Brian Evans <>
Subject: Re[2]: Air compressors yet again.
From: Bob Hamilton <>
Date: Thu, 21 Nov 1996 16:06:58 -0400

        Further to what I wrote previously and what Ray G. just posted,
the Webster manual states that the compressor should run at 1000 RPM 
maximum. Knowing the RPM of your motor, you should be able to calculate
the size of pulley for the motor to get 1000 RPM. 


At 12:03 PM 11/21/96 -0500, you wrote:
>I have a little 2 hp machine that I'd like some advice on.
>It's a 2 cylinder Webster that I bought second hand for about $100.  I've
>seen the same unit with up to a 3 hp motor, but mine is currently equipped
>with a 1 hp unit that draws about 1800 watts - it blows the 15 amp breaker
>when I have it set up to run on 120 VAC (it normally runs on 220 VAC).  It
>has a quite small tank as well.
>Since it's been 100% reliable, I have no incentive to replace it.  My
>questions are:
>What would the effect on compressor operation be if I went to a larger
>motor.  The 1 hp motor runs the thing ok in warm conditions, but can't start
>in cold weather (solution for the last 5 years has been not to work in cold
>weather!). Are extra hp just thrown away, like extra octane in gas?  I've
>been told that the compressor head is what makes all the difference, but ???
>What would the effect be if I hooked up a large tank in parallel (or in
>series - which is best?) to the existing small tank?  I suspect that I could
>get more CFM over a short period of time, with a longer recovery period,
>with the net result the same average CFM but more easily used, if you get my
>Your various thoughts are appreciated...
>Brian Evans
>Director, General Sales
>UUNET Canada Inc.
>20 Bay Street, Suite 1910
>Toronto, ON, M5J 2N8
Robert A. C. Hamilton, Waverley, Nova Scotia, Canada
The "Proper" Sunbeam Man! 
1953 Alpine MK I, 1954 Talbot 90 MK IIA DHC & Saloon & '73 + '79 Midgets
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