I am getting lots of useful tips and hints, and one photo so far, to
help me with this stupid quest.
I really feel dumb about this but there is one horrible thought emerging
and that is that the terminal on the starter may actually have broken
off (and hence I can find it or feel it). My other thought is that is
has become flattened against the motor (on top, out of sight) so I can't
feel or see it.
This is sooo silly. I mentioned to someone that I am certain that in
the past sometime I vaguely remember this wire coming off and of course
NO START.. but I saw it and just reached under and popped it back on.
This memory ios frustrating me even more because I remember it as being
easy and obvious to put it back in place.
With apologies to all natural blonde beauties out there, but I am
smelling peroxide here.
Remember to drop me a line if you have anything else you think might
help. I won't be able to crawl under the car again for another night or
two... but I am determined to resolve this once and for all next time I
am there!
Thanks for all the help so far!
Adelaide, South Australia