Sure, that would work. You need to have the bonnet off or completely
upright to have the overhead clearance for the come-along, but the
balance of the engine&gearbox assembly is such that your method would
work OK. The principal advantage of the tilt device is for working by
oneself. With a helper, the tilt device is nice but you don't need it if
helper can lift and tug a bit.
What's scary to me is the use of those two little studs to support the
weight. I know the tensile strength of the studs is 5,000+ lbs per
square inch, that there are two of them, that most people lift engines
this way, but they still appear small to me, and their tendency to bend
is a concern. I liked the suggestion someone made of putting bolts into
other holes in the heads---seems a more robust approach. I like the use
of nylon cargo straps, but they have the disadvantage that they support
the engine from underneath, so you have to secure them in such a way that
the engine can't try to turn itself over. A piece of rope binding them
to the head will suffice for this.
On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 20:59:56 -0600 "MonteMorris" <>
> I know that this is scary, but I was just lieu of
> spending $75 for a tilting device, couldn't you use a cable to one
> cover stud and a come-a-long to the other stud and still get the tilt
needed to
> put the motor in and out?
> Monte