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Re: Lucas Sport Coil/Timing

To: "MG-T List" <>
Subject: Re: Lucas Sport Coil/Timing
From: "Dwyer" <>
Date: Thu, 25 Jan 2001 08:32:19 +1100

I saw your reference to the Mallory distributor.

At a swapmeet a while ago I bought one of these, said to be suitable for the
TC. There's a tag on the body with the number YC320HP, but that's all I
know. I havn't looked into it any further yet (oh how I wish my car just
needed a distributor!). Does this number look like yours?

Is there a source of tech data on Mallory? A web site even? I couldn't find
anything, but I didn't look for very long, 'cos unfortunately the problem
isn't very immediate.


Dave Dwyer

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