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Re: Hello, the list!

To: davegran@execpc.com, lotus-cars@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Hello, the list!
From: shiples@comcast.net
Date: Sat, 08 May 2004 07:52:34 -0700
At 06:19 AM 5/8/2004 -0500, Dave Grandeffo wrote:

>The plan is, as soon as I finish building my shop, to build a Seven
>"mule", incorporating my ideas as a rolling test bed. After I get that
>right, then I will attempt to repackage within the classic lines of the
>Dave Grandeffo
>Southern Wisconsin, USA

Looks like the shop is done, or should be done soon. Have you
researched the LoCost scene?  Sounds like the Eleven is very
similar to some of the thinking that is being done by those who
are moving on beyond the LoCost.  Cars are getting built and

I got started in this hobby with a Westfield 7.  The Westfield
Eleven used the same BMC running gear with a fiberglass body.

Steve Shipley

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