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Re: Hello, the list!

To: lotus-cars@autox.team.net
Subject: Re: Hello, the list!
From: Dave Grandeffo <davegran@execpc.com>
Date: Sat, 08 May 2004 06:19:27 -0500
Paradise Music wrote:
> Just resubscribed.  This used to be a pretty busy list. Anyone here now?

Hi All,
So far I'm just an interested lurker, trying to gather enough
information and component sources to someday build an homage to the
Eleven. I'll use modern materials, design, engine management, etc.; but
retain the original bodywork. This won't be a clone that would someday
be passed off as the real thing, but an obvious continuation of
development on the car. "I ain't no counterfeiter"....

The plan is, as soon as I finish building my shop, to build a Seven
"mule", incorporating my ideas as a rolling test bed. After I get that
right, then I will attempt to repackage within the classic lines of the

I just started my seventh decade last summer, and have been in love with
the lines of the Eleven ever since Costin first penned them. Call me a
hopeless romantic! I'm glad that the list is showing signs of reviving.
Thanks, Paradise, whoever you are!
Dave Grandeffo
Southern Wisconsin, USA

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