Thanks to all of you who sent there well wishes. I still haven't heard from
any of the other Roadster List guys here in San Diego. I do know that Barrie
Strachan's house was right in the middle of one of the major fire areas.
Thankfully, the wind direction changed before it got to my housing area. It
was burning less than 2 miles from my house. The major fire area of Scripps
Ranch which lost over 150 homes (at $800K+) and is still burning is 3-5 miles
from here.
Nightfall has brought even more fires and many new flareups. The death toll
just in San Diego is 14 so far and growing. The whole thing is beyond
description. I remember last year when the fires were going in AZ and some of
you guys were affected.
Here are some links from local sources with stories and photos:
The satellite view really gives you an idea of how much of SoCal is burning.