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Re: Distributor damage?

Subject: Re: Distributor damage?
From: Gordon Glasgow <>
Date: Sun, 28 Mar 1999 12:21:47 -0800
At 10:20 AM 3/28/99 EST, wrote:
>bottom side of the plate that the points mount on, there is a spring steel
>plate with three ball bearings. This pivots when the vaccuum pulls the plate
>to advance the ignition. Those three ball bearings seem to have worn a groove
>in the plate that would be above them when installed. Well, they look like
>wear marks, Or is this normal? Feels kind of notchy when rotated by hand.

No, it should be smooth. A replacement is probably available, since it was
common to a bunch of the L-series plates.

>Unrealated subject: What's a good method to ground temprature sensor?

Some of the thermostat housings have a small threaded hole in the side
opposite the sending unit. The threads are VERY fine (I don't remember the
numbers). You can run a ground wire from this screw to the ground on the
distributor (early-model) or any other adequate ground (later-model). Make
sure the sending unit is getting a good ground to the thermostat housing
and it should work fine.
Gordon Glasgow
Renton, WA

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