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Re: Elan shifter

To: chapman-era@Autox.Team.Net, Michael and Betty Braun <>
Subject: Re: Elan shifter
From: rebean@CCGATE.HAC.COM
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 98 05:50:58 PST

Mike Braun wrote:

>I seem to remember reading somewhere that the rubber bushed shifter was 
>introduced as the "anti-sizzle shifter". I think the object was to 
>isolate the driver from direct inputs of gear selection, noise and 
>vibration. Kind of the opposite of what we want, yes? I used the rubber 
>shifter for many years, and liked it UNTIL I put in the ultra close box 
>and direct shifter. It is hard to imagine a nicer gearbox/shifter, if 
>only I could stop reaching for fifth.....;)

Re reaching for fifth, I do that too sometimes because I drive the RX7 
every day and the Elan an average of once a week.

After having driven many, many different sports cars in my time, I still 
use the Ford close ratio or semi-close as my absolute standard for the 
best shifting available anywhere.  Although I prefer the close ratio 
with the direct shift lever, the gearbox is so good that even the 
semi-close as used in later Elans and all the US-delivery Lotus Cortinas 
feels terrific through the bushing or, in the case of the Cortinas, 
through remote linkage (no bushing).  Nothing very exotic, just good 
engineering, I guess.


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