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Re: Lotus Logo (No Esprit content)

To: <>, "Mike Causer" <>
Subject: Re: Lotus Logo (No Esprit content)
From: Rod Bean <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 98 17:16:51 -0800
>Subject:     Re: Lotus Logo (No Esprit content)
>Sent:        6/23/98 7:13 AM
>Received:    6/23/98 5:10 PM
>To:          Mike Causer,
>In a message dated 6/23/98 9:49:11 AM Central Daylight Time, mikec@cam-
> writes:
><< I wonder when
> > >the "Team Lotus" first appeared on the cars? >>
>The term "Team Lotus" was first used when Chapman, Gammons, Allen and
>sometimes Mark Anthony would enter their Mark VIs in English club events as a
>team.  The first international use of  the term "Team Lotus" was for the 1954
>Nurburgring race. The team consisted of three Mark VIIIs -- Chapman in SAR 5,
>Nigel Allen in 624 BMG and Dan Margolis in 867 BMX .  By 1956 the Team was
>using Lotus Elevens and by that time the works cars carried the "Team Lotus"
>designation on the sides of the cars.      
>David Whiteside

The things one learns on this list.  Thanks.


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