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a few caqrb questions

Subject: a few caqrb questions
From: "Jim Muller" <>
Date: Wed, 3 Oct 2001 12:47:27 -0400
H'llo all.  I sent this to the mgb mailing list but have received no 
replies.  I guess it didn't go through, seein' as how I"m not a member of 
that list anyway...

I have a Triumph GT6 running a pair of SU's taken from an MGB.  The 
installation was done two Previous Owners ago.  With Joe Curto's help I've
done some work on the carbs (new jets, float bowl mounts, throttle shafts,
etc.).  It is running much, much better but I'm not completely happy with 
them yet.  For example, they seem to require a slightly richer mixture 
setting that I might have expected (perhaps 18 flats on the jets, though I 
don't remember the exact number at this time).  They also seem to require 
some choke longer than I'd expect as it warms up.

SIf you don'pt mind, I like to ask a few questions.  What can I deduce about 
mixture or float settings from the following observations:

1. It runs much better under full throttle than part-throttle.

2. It runs much better at rpms above about 2500 rpms, with a tendency to bog
when taking off from a start.  This is especially true when it is cold.

3. Once warm it idles reasonably smoothly, but I once had it running better 
than it is running now.


Jim Muller
'80 Spitfire (Percy)
'70 GT6+ (Nigel)

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