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RE: Roadster season has arrived

To: "'TeriAnn Wakeman'" <>,
Subject: RE: Roadster season has arrived
From: "Scheuble, Fred J., HiServ/NA" <>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2000 10:03:54 -0400
I driven all of these cars and they are boring! tyrue sports cars are seat
of the pants no frills, I'll keep my 60 BN7 and my 67 cobra side oilier
thank you 

-----Original Message-----
From: TeriAnn Wakeman []
Sent: Monday, May 22, 2000 9:24 AM
To: British cars list
Subject: Re: Roadster season has arrived

> Why do I have the sinking feeling that the Mazda Miata 
> has sucked up all the low(er) end money that might have
> supported a British roadster? 

Lets say the public was hungry for a modern roadster that fit the 
marketing niche that MG  and Triumph used to dominate.  There was an 
empty niche, And Mazda filled it with a well designed reliable and well 
marketed roadster.  The BMW Z3 is carving out a part of the high end of 
that niche in about the same relative location that the big Healeys had.  
Now Honda is jumping in with a 200+ HP roadster and maybe going after the 
segment that Lotus & the Jag roasters appealed to.  Then the new Porch 
roadsters seem be be running around in fairly large numbers but I suspect 
they are largely staying within their own niche and maybe skimming off 
the high end technophile edge of the roadster market.

It looks to me like Mazda still has the dominate position in the centre 
of the niche and no one is effectively challenging that part of the 
American roadster market.

Effective competition for the Mazda would be a car that out miatas the 
Miata.  I do not think the MGF could do that.  I think there is too much 
old technology there to appeal to any group but the nostalgia roadster 
subgroup.  Basically Mazda has reawakened the market and set the 
standards.  Any future British roadster that is not at least as good as a 
Mazda will not successfully compete for the same niche.  I think the MGF 
would be too little, much too late and probably priced too high.

The popular story is that the Miata design team had a Lotus Elite to play 
with and a clean slate.  I suspect an new British roadster design team 
should have a Miata to play with, the Miata's price point as a goal, a 
clean slate and deep design pockets.

Zillion dollar TVRs, Lotus, or Jag F types will sell a few into the 
wealthy set but they only touch the high end of the Porch or BMW roadster 
market.  They are in a different reality from the market that MG and 
Triumph used to dominate.

I'd like to see the British pull off a car that can out Miata the Miata.  
I would like to see them someplace outside the rich man's toy roadster 

Only time will tell

TeriAnn Wakeman               If you send me direct mail, please
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