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Re: what's in a name

Subject: Re: what's in a name
From: (Paul Garside)
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 94 14:49:10 GMT
Wade's post about about generic names (little furrin thing = MG etc):

This is probably more appropriate to alt.usage.english, but understanding
what on earth OFATP are talking about is part of SOLing. We have different
generic names:

US                              UK

Kleenex                     Tissue               original, huh?

Frigidaire                  Fridge               food conservation centre,
                                                     if you're into kitchens

Band Aid                  Elastoplast       for those skinned knuckles

Vacuum                   Hoover 

?                               Swarfega             Oily hand cleaner 

?                              Copaslip           Anti-seize compound 

?                              Jenolite            Phosphoric acid 

Bondo                    P-38, Plastic Padding, filler

Weber                    SU 

?                             Brasso               metal polish 

Linoleum(?)           Formica             Plastic counter-top (Linoleum in
UK is strictly floors)   

?                              T-Cut               a fierce polish for
resurfacing paintwork


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