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Re: Re[2]: what's in a name

Subject: Re: Re[2]: what's in a name
From: "W. Ray Gibbons" <>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 16:26:49 -0500 (EST)

On Mon, 12 Dec 1994 wrote:

> Sure, things are different within the US, particularly in my family's
> old stomping grounds, the Ozarks:
> > 
> > US                              UK                        Ozarks
> > 
> > Kleenex                         Tissue                    Snotrag
> > 
> > Frigidaire                      Fridge                    Icebox
> > 
> > Vacuum                          Hoover                    What?
> > 

Good, Larry.  But you forgot:

US                          UK                      Ozark

Tires                     Tyres                    Tars

As in, "You kin have them tars out yonder.  No, not those, I'm keepin'
those for my pickup.  I mean them between the old icebox 'n the Chevy. 
One of 'em has still got some tread, t'other ain't much good.  One of the
boys left 'em; I disremember which one."

Ray "Born in Ironton, but I've almost forgotten the language" Gibbons

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