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Re: An MG by any other name

Subject: Re: An MG by any other name
From: (Michael Burdick)
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 94 08:38:22 CST (Chris Amley - 3M Co. - St. Paul, MN) wrote:

   > I *know* this isn't the right list, but do Mi*ta owners also hear people 
   > their cars MGs?  (Maybe that's the acid test: if no one ever calls it an 
   > it isn't a sports car.)

To bring this full circle:

While at the 1992 VTR in Savannah GA, I was talking to a fellow that had
driven from Texas in a Spitfire 1500 he bought for $200.  He bought the
car sight unseen as a parts car and when he picked it up, it was too
nice to part out.  He adjusted the valves and drove to Georgia for the
show.  The car certainly had that patina of age that you might expect
for a $200 car, and while stopped at a light somewhere on route to VTR,
a family sedan pulled up along side.  Through the open window he could
hear a kid say to his mom, "Look mom! An old Miata!"


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