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RE: Triuph Spitefires & GT6s

Subject: RE: Triuph Spitefires & GT6s
From: "Michael Gendimenico, SC9-32, 765-4903" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 92 07:35:55 PST
>I'm interested in learning about Spitefires and GT6s.  From pictures the GT6
>looks like a coupe version of the Spitefire.  Is this so?  If the GT6 isn't
>based on the Spitefire, did it have a convertible version?  Did the Spitefire
>only come with a 4 cylinder engine?


>Karl Nordstrom    KXN2@VM.PSU.EDU -or- KXN2 AT PSUVM (Bitnet)

Hmmm, Is that a Penn State address I see?  Go lions!!!  That's where I went to
school.  The football games were always a blast.  Guzzling cases of pony
bottles of Rolling Rock at the Ratskeller(sp?) afterwards while carving our
initials in the tables was a good post-game celebration.  Is that place still
there?  Anyway on to the LBC stuff.  I have a GT6.  It's currently sitting
waiting for a rear end, but it's a great little car.  I use it for commuting
and it has plenty of power.  Mine has 115,000 miles on it still has the
original engine.  However, the tranny and rears are the weak spots.  I never
saw one before I moved out here (CA).  I guess they rusted away in a lot of
places.  They made a Vittesse which I think is the same chassis as a GT6 but
different body and smaller motor??  I've only seen them in my Haynes manual. 
Maybe some neters can enlighten us on the Vittesse.  I like the spits too,
mostly the chrome bumpered models ('73 and earlier???), especially the early
models.  I guess the best of both worlds would be a Spit6 conversion.  If I had
the time, I think that's what I would like to do.  Anybody got a spit body they
want to donate?  Read the blurb on the GT6 on hoosier as someone suggested, it'
s very interesting.   Happy reading.

Mike G.

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