}I'm interested in learning about Spitefires and GT6s. From pictures the GT6
}looks like a coupe version of the Spitefire. Is this so? If the GT6 isn't
}based on the Spitefire, did it have a convertable version? Did the Spitefire
}only come with a 4 cylinder engine?
There's a Intro to GT6's file at hoosier.cs.utah.edu:/pub/sol/gt6.ascii
available via anonymous ftp.
Check it out.
}Karl Nordstrom KXN2@VM.PSU.EDU -or- KXN2 AT PSUVM (Bitnet)
Hummmm, GT6's and IBM VM mainframes... Poor guy, he's in for a rough
ride (yes, I once once wasted months of my life porting a spectral
atmospheric general circulation model from a Cray to a IBM 3090 :-)
/\ Lawrence Buja Climate and Global Dynamics Division
\_][ southern@ncar.ucar.edu National Center for Atmospheric Research