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RE: Air Compressors

To: british-cars@alliant.Alliant.COM
Subject: RE: Air Compressors
From: mit-eddie!!ssi!coventry!rmb@EDDIE.MIT.EDU (Keptin Komrade Dr. Bobwrench III)
Date: Fri, 21 Sep 90 16:35:26 CDT
->The big question is:  What size compressor should someone get to not
->limit themselves?  I would like to get an air compressor sometime, but,
->I'd want to be able to do everything from fill my tyres to sand blasting
->to painting to running air tools.  Is a 2HP enough?  What about the
->capacity of the tanks?  Is the 11 gal tank large enough?  Should I get
->a 20 gal?

        Well, there are a # of factors to be considered when choosing
a compressor. Hp is not enough, nor is the size of the tank. You also need
to look at the CFM rating of the compressor to determine if it will deliver 
enough air to drive your highest demand tool (sanders usually). I went through
the selection process last spring.

         First I borrowed a 2hp/20 gal/9.0cfm@90psi/115V portable. Well it 
drove the tools just fine, but I had to spend about 7 out of every 10 minutes 
waiting for the thing to come back up to pressure. It was very frustrating when 
trying to get lot's of bodywork done, something I expect to have to do again. 
Cost for this critter on sale @ K-mart (or anywhere else for that matter) is 
$280-$300 not on sale, $399.99 from Northern Hyraulic.

        Next I went over to a friend's house to do some work. He has a
7.5hp/80gal/25.5cfm@90psi/240V two stage compressor. This was severe overkill 
until we both had things plugged in. Two air lines, no waiting. Cost: about 
$850 on sale @ the farm supply store.

        I finally ended up buying a 5.5 hp/60 gal/13.4cfm@90psi/240V single 
stage on sale @ the same farm supply store up the street. It's a Sanborne, so 
you can get it just about anywhere for the same kinda $$. Total cost including 
the power connectors was $439.00. Yes, it's not portable, and occupies a space 
about 2.5'x2.5'x5'high. I never have to worry about running out of air when the 
high demand tools are running, and it just sits in the corner and works. And 
come relocation time, just unplug it and toss it on the truck. 

        Clearly if you need portability, the small one is the way to go. But
if all you are going to use it for is working in the garage, look into a 5hp
single stage, they seem to be the best !/$.


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