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Re: Ign. module problems

To: <>
Subject: Re: Ign. module problems
From: "Dave Farbacher" <>
Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 11:36:50 -0400
Hi All,

Well, I just had to try it.  I had wired in the blue style ig. box when I
rebuilt my engine harness and I hadn't tried it out yet.  Unfortunately, I
don't have the carb or exhaust mounted so I couldn't actually run the car,
but -- I did hook up a battery and cranked the engine and I have tons of
spark out of the coil.

Now, I do have to correct my last email, my original ig. box is of the green
style.  All I did when mounting the blue style was to reverse purple
(dist. -) and black (dist ground).

Whether the car will actually run with the blue style box is another story,
but it does spark.

When I get the carb back on the car I will let y'all know

Dave Farbacher

----- Original Message -----
From: John T. Blair <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: Ign. module problems

> At 12:44 AM 6/23/00 EDT, Marvin wrote:
> >It was me you spoke to about 3 vs. 2 wires.  I had the 3 wire harness and
> >wire module.  I replaced my harness with a 2 wire from Terry as the 3
> >didn't work.  Another thing to check is to make sure the "blue" (where
> >wires come out) module is correct.  I bought 2 different colors as one
> didn't
> >work.  I'll check this weekend as to which color is right.
> ---------
> Then Dave Farbacher also wrote:
> The 3 to 2 wire difference shouldn't be an issue.  But, if you look on the
> wire connector,  the black and purple wires are swapped on the module with
> the blue grommet.  Reversing these 2 wires should fix the problem.
> Dave Farbacher
> ------------
> Marvin, et al.
> Here is a copy of an email I just sent to Wells Manuf. Co..  I talked to
> one of their Tech reps, Brian, today.  Brian was very helpful and a great
> guy to talk to on the phone.  At first he was sure the problem was a bad
> ground.  So I grounded the module to both the wiring harness ground on the
> back of the pass. fender well, and then to the battery to no avail.  I
> called him back and we started going through the various wires.  We both
> agreeded on the wires, what they did and were they went.  However, he did
> indicate that the 2 wires comming off the dist. pickup were polarity
> - as they, Wells, had a diode on one of the input lines.  So I proceeded
> connect the 4 wire connector with 4 aligator clips to and reversed the 2
> wires going the the dist. pickup. This also failed.  By now Brian had gone
> home for the weekend.
> So I called my local autoparts store (AutoZone) and asked to talk to one
> of the counterpersons that knows me and the Bricklin.  Asked if he had a
> BLACK connector module.  He said yes so off I went, accompanied by my
> neighbor Jim (you keep hearing about him in The Brickline).  Our friend
> at AutoZone pulled the BLACK connector module.  The connectors were wrong.
> (See below).  So we started checking other Ford V8s from 74-76.  Found a
> GREEN module.  Took it home and the eng. fired!!!!!
> So I've sent the following email to Brian to see what else we can learn
> about ign. modules.
> -----------------
> Brian,
>    Been playing some more with the ign. module.  I tried reversing the
> 2 wires to the ign. module for the dist. pickup and it still would not
> fire.
>    Let me give you a little more backround:
> The original module:
>    Motorcraft D5AE 12A99 xxx  it looks like the xxx may be F2A can't tell.
>    This module has a BLACK connector where the wires come out.  However,
>    there is a GREEN piece of plastic tape on the side.
> I originally purchased a F100 which had the BLACK connector where the
> come out.  This module would NOT work as the 2 wire connector's key was in
> a different position than the original three wire connector.  So I
> this module.
> I was then given the F102 module which had a BLUE connector.  This is the
> one that wouldn't fire the car either.  And I had when we were talking
> this afternoon (6/23/00).  I tried grounding it and reversing the Dist.
> pickup leads and it wouldn't fire the eng.
> I called my autoparts store (AutoZone) and asked if they had a BLACK
> connector box.  They said yes.  So off I went to get it.  When they
> pulled it, it had the wrong connector.  So we started going through
> all the Ford V8 from 74 to 76.  Most called for either the F102 or the
> F100.  One (don't remember what) called for an F101.  It had a GREEN
> connector and the plugs were right.  Brought it home, plugged it in
> and the eng. light!!!!!  :)
> So I guess my initial problem, getting the eng to fire with an (any)
> module is solved.  However, now I have to ask the next obvious question.
> What is the difference between these boxes - F100, F101, and F102?
> Then the other question that I have to ask, is what does the F101 cross
> reference back to as an application so next time I can get the correct
> module?
> Finally are the F100 (BLACK) and F101 (GREEN) boxes basically the same
> with the exception of the orientation of the pins and key on the 2 wire
> connector?  Remember that I told you that one of the other Bricklin owners
> had to purchase a different dist. harness?  Could it be that he is using
> the F100, and the new harness just has a new 2 wire connector with the
> wires and key correctly positioned for the 2 wire connector?
> Any help you can provide as to the differences will be greatly
> I am assuming that the F101 (GREEN) ign. module will work on my Ford 351W
> eng. across the entire rpm range, and NOT break down at some point above
> say 3,000 rpms.
> Thanks for you help Friday.
> John
> ------------------------
> Hopefully, he'll get back to me and I'll have more info to pass on later
> next week.
> Hope you all find this interesting.
> John
> John T. Blair  WA4OHZ          email:
> Va. Beach, Va                  Phone:  (757) 495-8229
> 48 TR1800    48 #4 Midget  65 Morgan 4/4 Series V
>      75 Bricklin SV1   77 Spitfire     71 Saab Sonett III
> Morgan:
> Bricklin:

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