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Re: Ign. module problems

Subject: Re: Ign. module problems
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2000 00:44:45 EDT
It was me you spoke to about 3 vs. 2 wires.  I had the 3 wire harness and 2 
wire module.  I replaced my harness with a 2 wire from Terry as the 3 wire 
didn't work.  Another thing to check is to make sure the "blue" (where the 
wires come out) module is correct.  I bought 2 different colors as one didn't 
work.  I'll check this weekend as to which color is right.
In a message dated 6/22/00 10:56:57 AM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

> While trying to find out about the water port in the intake manifold about
>  2 weeks ago, someone I was talking to, mentioned that he had replaced his
>  ign. module and the new module would not work.
>  The original module has a black rubber where the wire come out.  The wires
>  come out in 2 bundles, 1 connector has 4 wires, the other has 3 wires. The
>  3 wire connector appears to be where the unit gets its power from.
>  I purchased an aftermarket ign module.  The new module has blue rubber 
>  the wires come out and the 3 wire connector only has 2 wires.  There was a
>  note in the box, about a design change and that the new module should work.
>  I have the engine running on the old module, but when I plug in the new 
>  module, the eng. will NOT fire.  The white wire (on the module) is 
>  to starter solenoid - for power during the "Start" phase and the red wire 
>  12v in the "run" phase.
>  The wires on the 4 wire connector are connected as follows:
>  Purple - to 1 side of the dist. pick up coil.
>  Orange - to otherside of  dist. pick up coil.
>  Black  - to the dist. for ground
>  Green  - to the Tach. side of the coil.
>  The person I was talking to (sorry I don't remember who it was - I talked 
>  about 20 people that afternoon) said that he had contacted Terry and that
>  Terry said that he needed a new dist. wiring harness.  Once he got a new 
>  harness, everything worked fine.
>  Well, I'm trying to figure out why the new module will not fire the eng. 
>  how the "new" dist. harness differs from the original harness.
>  Anyone had problems like this, and been able to fix it?
>  TIA
>  John

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