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SCCA @ Autoshow

To: <>
Subject: SCCA @ Autoshow
From: "Lolita Adrien" <>
Date: Sat, 22 Nov 2003 23:09:30 -0800
Just in case you were thinking about skipping the SF Autoshow.
Put that thought right out of your head!
Not only does the club have all aspects represented, WE  have a better
looking, more expensive Porsche on display in our autocross display than the
manufacturer brought to the show.
Really. Everyone did an awesome job of design and set-up, and Barry and Wayne
deserve major kudos for their efforts. Heck, the Tabacco kids even made a
video that makes John Kelly look good! (I know you're thinking Industrial
Light & Magic couldn't do that but trust me on this.)<Smile John, your still
on camera>;-))
The kicker is that there will be THOUSANDS of people wander through the hall
and get a peek at our world and you can bet they will ask TEN'S of Thousands
of questions ..... and wouldn't you feel good being there to answer some of
Contact Barry about signing up to work. This one is going to make our history

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