looks like a big exhibit from SCCA.
Bigger than Ford or Chevrolet.
Tim Dolan <> writes:
> My wife and I also found the "work" today to be
> quite fun and a wonderful opportunity to see the
> SCCA's impressive presentation. Whether those super
> clean and polished Rallycross cars were the real thing
> is questionable, but I am considering mounting some
> of those 747 aircraft spot lights on my Neon Sport for
> late night practicing!
> As rookies to the organization and SOLO II, it was
> refreshing to meet so many interesting members, all of
> whom were willing to answer our many questions. That
> kept us up to speed so that we could field questions
> from the event attendees. We later met a fellow in one
> of the other exhibits by the name of 'Dave', who saw
> our name tags, introduced himself as an SCCA board
> member, and then thanked us for our volunteer effort.
> Do won't regret it!
> Tim & Cathy Dolan