Sign me up on this too. We are biking to work at least 2 days a week
now. Next week perhaps every day (BART strike). I love driving but hate
it in traffic!
At 11:44 AM 8/29/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>Planes REALLY need bike racks in the back. That's just my opinion. Just ride
>your bike up to the gate, put your bike in the back, your backpack in the
>overhead storage bin, and you are a self-sustained traveller. What this
>world needs is better public transit (with bike racks), more bike paths,
>bike racks on planes, and pubs serving the best beer on every street corner.
>Gawd, this is really the key to world peace, I get all jittery thinking
>about it, and I can't understand why I'm all alone in this thought.