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Re: story, was Re: where to find battery cable?

Subject: Re: story, was Re: where to find battery cable?
From: "Jeremy Rine" <>
Date: Thu, 02 Aug 2001 22:17:42
Don't forget that as bad as customer service can get the customer can always 
be worse.  Years ago when I used to work at a movie theater I would pop 
fresh popcorn every day and one day this lady came to buy some popcorn and 
asked "How old is the popcorn?" (a valid question as most movie theaters use 
old popcorn) and I re-plied honestly "About three mins ago" and she retorted 
with "I'll wait for the fresh stuff then" (not joking).  There was also the 
time I got yelled at because the bart station was too far from the theater 
(god I hate customers).  My point is that no one wants customer service jobs 
and that people properly skilled to hold customer service jobs probably have 
better jobs.  How many of you are qualified to work at an auto part store? 
and how many of you would?  Not me.


On the other hand: "If you ask them for a part for a kit car, do they start 
running into each other, like a special sandwhich order at McDonald's?" LMAO


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