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Re: off season - cheap tow vehicle choices

Subject: Re: off season - cheap tow vehicle choices
From: Craig Naylor <>
Date: Wed, 29 Nov 2006 20:43:29 -0800
My brother had a  mid '90's Chevy S10 PU w/ V6 and towing package.  Pulled a 
2000 lbs 2 Horse trailer - with horses (Guessing here 1500 lbs apiece) all over 
So Cal including the mountains for over 150k miles with no issues. But then 
they came on hard (his lack of maintaince didn't help).  So ~5k lbs of towing 
often, 150K miles and no Trans or engine issues. Yes he pulled grades slow, but 
the horses preferred that. On the other hand, the interior of the truck, that 
didn't stand up so well with all the hay, mud, and other stuff it was abused 
with... ;-)

Craig Naylor

I can second John's recommendation -- have a 2001 S10 Blazer and have 
used it to pull around my V8 powered Fiero on a no-frills utility 
trailer (read:  heavy trailer!).  With the weight balanced right, no 
trailer brakes, the truck pulled around town and on highways with no 

John Innis wrote:

>> I have towed a decent sized boat (maybe 1000#) on a 1000# trailer with
>> my parents '95 Chevy Blazer (S10 based).  The Blazer did a fine job,
>> but I would want trailer brakes on anything heavier. 

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