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Re: The death of prepared?

Subject: Re: The death of prepared?
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 21:16:45 EST
Eric writes:

> Now we will have to buy Injection, expensive 17+ inch wheels, re-do
> suspensions and gearing for DOT tires AND for some really silly &
> unexplained reason have a shop manual?

It's February '04, and these are PROPOSED for 1/1/05.  It's not a done deal.  
Write a letter!

> 1. Injection, well heck that's the way the world is moving maybe we
> shouldn't stand in the way. Most of us would have done it eventually
> anyway.

It's pretty obvious that no one is using unlimited FI in Prepared cars with a 
10% weight penalty.  Is 5% acceptable?  3%?  If there's a weight penalty 
other than 0% or 10% that equalizes FI to carbs, let us know what it is.  But 
realize that one of the most often cited reasons for not moving from Stock or 
to Prepared is the FI restrictions.

> 2. Unlimited wheels with DOT tires. Why? So the ESP cars can come beat
> the CP cars without having to make any effort? Was there anybody that
> drives a P car on the committee that dreamed this one up or was it just
> SP drivers? Did it occur to anybody that many Prepared cars have custom
> gears to play nice with a specific set of tires. 

Again, SP competitors have to go backwards in wheel size to compete in 
Prepared.  Personally, I think that you had to buy wheels when you went from 
to SP, why shouldn't you buy a set of wheels to go into Prepared?  I'd prefer 
not to have to junk a bunch of 16 X 12" CP wheels if 17 or 18" tires prove to 
be faster.  One possible compromise is to allow the SP people to come into 
Prepared with their bigger wheels, but their DOT tires...  Again, if you don't 
like it, let us know what you like better...

> 3. Have a shop manual? That just cute, a shop manual for a low
> production decades old car, a car that has VERY few stock parts. It's
> the april FasTrack so maybe it's an April Fools Joke. 

Okay, you get protested for having too narrow track, or altered wheelbase.  
How do you prove your legality?
> In summary it seems to me the idea of keeping the jump from SP to P
> modestly priced makes a lot of sense, but please let's not do this by
> making it MORE expensive for the P cars just to stay where they

With the idea that Prepared is stagnant, and needs new blood to survive, let 
the SEB and PAC know what you think needs to be done.

ex-SEB, now PAC member

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