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RE: The death of prepared?

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: The death of prepared?
From: "Eric Salem" <>
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 23:14:30 -0600

>  Having just checked the track in my factory shop
> manuals for my '72 911 it isn't even listed. (or atleast I can't find
> it.) Then what about the junk-yard cars that don't have a VIN, and 
> then became Prepared cars, what manual should they have?

If you are protested, and provide a shop manual, and it doesn't have the
we want,  you've complied with the rule.  The burden of proff shifts to
protestor.  If you're protested and supply nothing in your defense, what
you have the PC do?  You have to declare a year on your entry form, so
specs for that car are the specs for what you declare it to be.

Well if I don't want to spend $1500, yes I just checked the pricing, on
a set of factory service manuals that is my choice and also means I'm
willing bail on the protest. Seems like the protest should be the
protester's to prove, if I chose not to defend it that's my call. 

Tires & Wheels...

This problem has been discussed, too.  We'd love to hear solutions
Only radials have to be DOT???  Or??? 
No what I'm saying is the radials used in the higher GT classes are all
slicks & radials. Were an FP  competitor to run Goodyear's 210 or 220
radial compound they'd have a very fast SoloII tire for a 2,000 pound
car. Formula Atlantic front tires or IRL rain tires would be the same. 

So why not say, DOT tires and wheels are open and slicks of any kind
live under the existing rules.

Since it's on PRepared, I should be cc'ed...

I'll forward it to you.


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