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Re: The death of prepared?

Subject: Re: The death of prepared?
Date: Wed, 25 Feb 2004 23:40:50 EST
Eric writes:

>  Having just checked the track in my factory shop
> manuals for my '72 911 it isn't even listed. (or atleast I can't find
> it.) Then what about the junk-yard cars that don't have a VIN, and then
> became Prepared cars, what manual should they have?

If you are protested, and provide a shop manual, and it doesn't have the info 
we want,  you've complied with the rule.  The burden of proff shifts to the 
protestor.  If you're protested and supply nothing in your defense, what would 
you have the PC do?  You have to declare a year on your entry form, so the 
specs for that car are the specs for what you declare it to be.

> Personally the idea of existing wheel sizes for slicks and open for
> DOT's seems reasonable, but the expense of changing wheels and tires and
> gearing for a 'totally open' wheel rule would have me getting new
> stickers made that say SM/2. And let us not forget that a 16x12 Goodyear
> radial slick is about $480 per. Or, atleast that's what they charge the
> GT2 club racers.

This problem has been discussed, too.  We'd love to hear solutions proposed.  
Only radials have to be DOT???  Or??? 

> Again I'm not against all the changes proposed; FI makes sense, a
> two-tiered wheel rule makes some sense, but the shop manual idea is just
> plain silly.

It's not as if you have to bring it to registration, but everyone should have 
as much documentation as possible at his/her disposal to defend against 

> (I'm sure you'll read my more thought out version in the letter to the

Since it's on PRepared, I should be cc'ed...


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