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Re: Turbo Cars in SP

Subject: Re: Turbo Cars in SP
Date: Sat, 13 Dec 2003 23:50:54 EST
As long as there are places for the turbo cars to play, why complicate 
matters to where it can't reasonably be enforced ?  Just because I can legally 
replace the ECU in my ancient Supra, why must a modern turbo car also have that 
option ?  I'm sure a Subie STI ECU is lightyears more advanced than my '84 ECU, 
and controls sooooo much more.  Fair competition, with enforceable rules.  Ok, 
I'm tired of building shelves for the day, my suggestion (delete button upper 
right side :)  is to allow turbo cars unlimited intake, exhaust, downpipe, 
ignition, just like us n/a folks.  ECU, blowoff valves, etc is bone stock.
Their power gains from intake, downpipe, exhaust , ignition, will be 
sufficient.  Giving them boost control is like giving me compression ratio and 
different cams.  Besides, most turbo guys get tired of the limitations on power 
development and go SM or locally to one of those unlimited catch-all classes.  
feeling is that in the average SP car, power mods develop maybe 30-40 hp.  
Turbo cars shouldn't be allowed mods that exceed these amounts.
Anyway, just my thoughts.

Don Lew
DSP '84 Supra
(it's displacement that worries me, not boost :)

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