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RE: [evolution-disc.] Please comment on the August Fastrack

To: "Dave Hardy" <>, <>,
Subject: RE: [evolution-disc.] Please comment on the August Fastrack
From: "Andy Hollis" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 2003 12:52:36 -0500
> From: Dave Hardy []

> > > Why screw people who choose a car that they thought was the hot
> > > ticket, and
> > > then proceeded to prove it so?  If they did the homework, they
> > SHOULD win.
> > >
> >
> > No one is trying to screw anyone.  If that was the desired
> > intent, there are
> > much easier ways to screw lots more people.
> Sorry.  Poor wording on my part.  I know it is nobody's intent to screw
> others, it just looks like that will be the net effect of it.

I meant to say this before but forgot.

All rule changes have a negative impact on somebody.  I always keep that in
mind when forming an opinion on value of the change.  If you remove an
allowance or raise the classing on a car, its obvious how you impact those
people negatively that have taken advantage of that.  But even when you add
an allowance or put a car in a lower class, you impact those that worked
around that old restriction or chose a different car for the class.

So, I always expect to hear someone say, "hey that change will screw me!".
One way or the other.    Comes with the territory.

Hopefully, the positive impact on a larger majority will overcome the
negative impact on a relative few.


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