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Re: Formular Junior Rules? (in SoCal)

To: "Jeff Cashmore" <>, ""
Subject: Re: Formular Junior Rules? (in SoCal)
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 00:31:11 -0600
Jeff --

As one similarly confused by all the Junior Kart stuff, I appreciate your
reply. I've had at least one inquiry about "kids/karts" so far and your
answers seem to clear up a lot of it. So just for my information and clarity
I want to confirm what I think you said. It looks very much like a basis we
(or anyone) could use.

"Per Howard" -- he accepts the definitions you are using for a Regional
event (which is all I am concerned with at the moment) so presumably we
could use them too?

Spec FJ -- Some kind of restrictor plate is available, and is used in some
applications, but as a basic rule you are just not bothering with it (but in
your own kid's kart, since one happens to be there, you are not bothering to
remove it)?

FJ -- you are not so much concerned with the specs for the various karts,
but rather that the entrant can satisfy you a kart they bring has been
designated for use by WKA/IKF as suitable for drivers 8-15 years old.

"Cadet karts" -- that is a class or category of competition for 5-7 year
olds, not a spec for a kart?

If I am misstating any of the above, please shout!  :-)

--Rocky Entriken

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeff Cashmore" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: Sunday, February 24, 2002 8:12 PM
Subject: Formular Junior Rules? (in SoCal)

> H will have a lot
> of the info you're looking for although SoCal may do things differently.
> Per Howard, the definitions we will use are as follows:
> Spec Formula Junior:
>      Allowed racing karts using a stock Briggs & Stratton 5 hp,
>      4 cycle engine running on gasoline.
> Formula Junior:
>      All other WKA/IKF recognized karts for drivers 8-15 years
>      old. This includes the various 4 cycle engines running on
>      methanol and the various 2 cycle engines, such as the
>      Yamaha KT 100.
> In addition... "For Spec FJ, we have never required a restrictor plate,
> regardless of age. The "restrictor" is the stock configuration and that it
> runs on gas."  I'm leaving our restrictor on until my 8 yr old proves he
> knows what he's doing.  :)
> "5) The IKF and WKA rules put 8-11 year olds into cadet karts, but in
> they run in full sized karts?"
> FWIW, they run WKA rules at our local kart track and they refer to the 5-7
> yr olds as Cadet karts.
> Hope that helps,
> Jeff Cashmore
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