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RE: Where's the disc - The Solution...

To: "Mark Hirt" <>
Subject: RE: Where's the disc - The Solution...
From: "Dave & Marianne Lyons" <>
Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2002 21:57:11 -0500
Some random thoughts.

I'm from New England.

While I think the "you must have a copy of the rulebook" requirement is
bogus, many Road Racing regions have figured out a way to make sure that
drivers had some understanding when they started racing, but this does not
happen in SOLO.  Maybe it should only be a requirement if you run in the
Novice class?  And yes, the rules change in Road Racing just as fast as they
do in SOLO.  Caveat Emptor.  The penalty in Road Racing is pretty severe in
terms of $$$, however.

Either require EVERYONE to have a current rule book, or require EVERYONE to
have A rule book, or drop the requirement EVERYWHERE.  Or, make it a
requirement at Schools of all type, Rally, SOLO and Road Racing. (Yes, my
region does run rally schools, e.g. a novice series.)

AS far as I know, in Rally (as run locally), you are not required to have a
current copy of the rules, but you are required to KNOW the current rules.
A good rallyist will have a copy.

Requiring drivers (in any type of event) to have a copy of the rule book is
kind of silly, because many argue that Road Racing drivers, for example,
cannot read.  :-P  (Emoticon sticking tongue out at Road Racing drivers)
This has been proven time after time when the supplemental rules for an
event clearly state that the driver must/must not do "X", and the drivers
simply say "Huh?".

BTW, most of the Road Racing drivers I know DO buy rule books every year,
and follow what gets published in Fast Track religiously.   Knowing the
latest changes can have a big impact on getting protested.

I agree that where a person races should not affect the requirement to have
a rule book.  That should be a club wide policy.  Period.  Same rule for
everybody.  "If you enter a National Race, SOLO event, or RALLY, you must
have a current copy of the rules with you."  Or, nothing (my personal vote.)


-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Hirt []
Sent: Wednesday, February 06, 2002 9:21 PM
To: Dave & Marianne Lyons
Cc: Mark Hirt; Mark J. Andy; autox mailing list
Subject: Re: Where's the disc - The Solution...

Many regions require that test (Chicago does not provide the book) and
the test I took was very easy. But that's NOT my point. A new Solo II
rule book comes out every year and every driver that attends national
events is required to have and produce one. The Road Racing GCR also
comes out every year yet a driver is not required to produce one so
most never buy one.

According to an SCCA press release I just received there are only
12,000 licensed Road Racing drivers in the Club. Maybe we need to
check how many bought the book.

We as a club need to be more equitable with our membership, just
because someone on the road race side spends more for event entry
fees, tire wear etc.. does not make those of us on the Solo side any
less of a member.

Or Does it?

On Wed, 6 Feb 2002 20:38:27 -0500, Dave & Marianne Lyons wrote:
>In my region, a driver's novice permit fee includes a rule book, and we
>them on knowledge of the rule book.  If you fail the test, you fail the
>school, and have to spend another $500 - $1000 for another school.
>(that price is entry fee, car rental and / or wear and tear / tires, etc.
>About what it really costs to do a Road racing school on the cheap.)

 Mark Hirt

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