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Re: "P" rules

Subject: Re: "P" rules
From: Mike Smith <>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 21:55:24 -0500
>True. True. But IMHO, it needs to be this rulebook or that rulebook, not a
>mix of both.

Well, I can see why it might not be that cut and dried.... It doesn't make 
sense to allow GT-1 cars in Prepared with a weight penalty, but make 
K-member-equipped cars go to EM without at least the same consideration. 
(since the K-member alone would still result in a non-legal GT-1 car)

At least as far as Solo is concerned, Solo interests take precedence. If 
that means it has a Solo "bias" when interpreting the GCR, so be it. 
Remember, it's a Production-based class that just so happens to allow GT 
style cars, not the other way around....

>I know of several that don't have cells -- enough I'd hesitate to say "most"
>do. Of course, not required for a strictly solo-rulebook car.

Granted, I'm coming at this with a CP perspective. Fuel cells are the norm 
where I'm from.

>Yep. But that penalty is only for things the Solo rulebook says incurs the
>penalty. It is NOT for being GCR spec if, having prepared to GCR, your prep
>includes none of the things that would incur the penalty.

Right, things that the Solo book says incurs it. Along with some things 
that are not GCR-spec causing the penalty to be assessed, simply BEING 
GCR-spec can also incur it. That's why you see both GCR-spec, non-GCR-spec, 
and things in between, ALL getting that penalty.

If you have that same Mustang with a 4-inch engine setback, but no cage, is 
it an EM car just because it's not GT-1 legal? Of course not.. He gets the 
same 10% that the fully GT-1 legal tube car would get.

This is why you cannot say that it has to be completely GCR-legal, or it's 
out. There are too many other production-based items that warrant an 
"in-excess" penalty, but also  would not pass that logic.

Of course, if none of the GCR-spec things you've done violate the Solo 
rules, no penalty is assessed. Although that would seem to miss the point.. 

>For example, I am a GCR car (because it was built that way two decades
>before the Solo book went off in its own direction), but I do not believe I
>have anything on it that kicks in a weight penalty. OTOH, some of the things
>I have that are GCR compliant have their own inherent weight penalty, like
>an 8-point cage.
>Bottom line ... I'm overweight enough (even to GCR) that I don't worry about
>it.  :-)

Very true... But the Runoffs-winning GT-5 RWD tube chassis Mini-Cooper is 
an example of why I think 15.11 is showing it's age. Cars like that weren't 
on the brain when the rule was thought of. The only difference between this 
car, and it's EM equal, is the EM car doesn't have to have a Austin (or 
whomever owned them) engine.

I think Prepared was always supposed to be production-based only, while 
Modified is where the custom chassis' could be raced. Somewhere along the 
line, something got switched around.

CP 58

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