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Re: "P" rules

To: "Mike Smith" <>, <>
Subject: Re: "P" rules
From: "Rocky Entriken" <>
Date: Wed, 19 Dec 2001 15:27:55 -0600
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Smith" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2001 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: "P" rules

> I think the both of ya are on opposite ends of the same stick...

I think you are exactly right! LOL.

You paraphrase my contention of why GCR works just fine. Primarily GCR (or
any rulebook) defines a range of things that can be done, as opposed to
specific "must do" items. ["Must do" usually is found primarily in the
safety section]. Thus, you can build anywhere within the limits of this
"box." For road race you may want to build to that corner, for solo you  may
want to build to this corner, but it is the same box.

> To me, the GCR statement in the SoloII rules only requires the minimum
> required equipment necessary for a GT-1 prepped car. Period. The car need
> not have ever stepped a wheel onto a road race course, needs no log,

True. True. But IMHO, it needs to be this rulebook or that rulebook, not a
mix of both.

> Solo II allows the removal of the fire supression system,

And a few other items deemed unnecessary for Solo. One wonders why fuel cell
isn't in that list.

> and The GCR
> itself has only slightly more specific outline for the roll-cage than the
> SoloII book does, which is none since Solo doesn't require one at all
> unless the car is open. Combine that with the fact that most P cars
> have fuel cells, and run plastic windows, those become common

I know of several that don't have cells -- enough I'd hesitate to say "most"
do. Of course, not required for a strictly solo-rulebook car.

> Mark - the GT-1 weight penalty is a Solo II rule, not a GCR rule. It's a
> penalty for running a GT-1 car. The added weight is supposed to make sure
> the GT-1 cars are level with the Production-based Prepared cars. It's
> supposed to be over and above what the GCR requires. (you already know
> I think about that "parity")
> Rocky, currently, in P (CP to be more specific), Mark is correct about
> engine setback, and I'd like to add Mustang crossmembers. EITHER of those
> will get you the 10% "in excess" penalty even though a car with either of
> those mods alone would not be fully GT-1 legal.

I was just citing the example of fuel injection mentioned in 15.11.A and
15.11.B. The example also says "etc." -- there are other items that also
incur the penalty.

> The point is, that either of those mods is LEGAL in the GCR, on a
> standalone basis. I think that's why the book says "up to"... It means you
> can do some of it,  or all of it, but any of it gets you the 10% penalty.

Yep. But that penalty is only for things the Solo rulebook says incurs the
penalty. It is NOT for being GCR spec if, having prepared to GCR, your prep
includes none of the things that would incur the penalty.

For example, I am a GCR car (because it was built that way two decades
before the Solo book went off in its own direction), but I do not believe I
have anything on it that kicks in a weight penalty. OTOH, some of the things
I have that are GCR compliant have their own inherent weight penalty, like
an 8-point cage.

Bottom line ... I'm overweight enough (even to GCR) that I don't worry about
it.  :-)


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