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RE: Proposal for SP cars to compete in P ???

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: Proposal for SP cars to compete in P ???
From: "Linnhoff, Eric" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 09:17:07 -0500
-----Original Message-----
 STS's success
is based on one thing, and one thing only - non-R-compound tires, and as
such it is dangling by the thinnest of threads. Once a tire manufacturer
decides to make a 130 treadwear-stamped R compound, that game is over, and
STR (the alternative) has fallen on its face.
Please, enlighten us with your Northern wisdom.  Why, in your opinion, is
the "non-R-compound tires" issue one that causes the class to dangle
precariously over a hot cauldron?

I contend that it's the main thing holding the class together.  If it
weren't for the allure of a class that allows us to try to go fast on the
same tires that we can drive to & from work on, in the rain, we'd all be in
SP, in just another R tire class.  BOR-ing.

Sure, you can subscribe to Roger's doom & gloom theory that the sky is going
to fall and we'll be deluged with 80 rated tires stamped as 140's, but I say
let's wait and see.  So far (3 years), so good.  Yes there's a lot at stake
in the tire wars of the manufacturers but I'm not sure if it's enough of a
carrot to risk getting black listed by the SCCA and the competitors.
Besides, the import drag racing scene sells far more tires that we do and we
all know what wonderful tires the Toyos are, especially as drag tires.  ;^)

Now if a manufacturer did bring some under rated tires to the game I can't
truthfully say if I'd be able to hold the high moral ground and run true 140
tires or run the ringers like every one else, if it came to that.  I guess
that would depend on if everyone else did it.  While I'd like to think that
I'd have enough fortitude to stand the high ground I damn sure wouldn't want
to be DFL every time either.  At that point we can call it a wash and simply
mandate tread depth allowances or something to that effect.

Who knows what the future holds for us?  But to say that the STS class is on
thin ice, puh-lease.  Where's your proof?  It darn sure isn't in _our_
attendance numbers, Mr. Supplemental Class.  :^P

Eric Linnhoff in KC 
1998 Dodge Neon R/T (see-dan)
STS #69   TLS #13

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