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Re: Need help classing Lotus

To: "Colbert, Raymond J." <>
Subject: Re: Need help classing Lotus
From: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 09:47:15 -0500
Colbert, Raymond J. wrote:

> I have followed this thread and have asked about such cars in
the recent
> past and got flamed here and on the DM list.

Sorry to hear that. Hopefully, you won't take sincere
disagreement as a flame.

> The SCCA needs a class for
> "street" cars that either have all the nessecary stuff to drive
on the
> street and are unlicensable due to the NTSB/EPA regs that keep
them out,
> are street legal "Grey Market" cars or kit cars.

I'm not sure that "needs" is the appropriate choice of terms. I
believe what you're saying is that, for your purposes, such a
class would be desirable.

There are two possible solutions:

1. Region-specific OSP-type classes. We have had such a class
here in Texas in the past. In the past three years, there has
been a single car entered - a turbo'ed Civic - and that car would
now fit into Street Mod.

2. A National concession to allow specified "unhomologated" cars
into a Prepared class. The AP experiment might be the place to
try this. You might consider contacting the SEB with such a

> All of said vehicles fall
> currently into A or B  mod where they get tromped by the winged

They're not likely to do much better in AP if they're being
driven on the street.

> I my self have an open kit car car (Spyder Replica) that I run
in Dmod here
> in Pittsburgh.

What's to stop your local Region from implementing a class that
can accommodate your car?

> The Dmod list said it should not run there because of
> the homologation rules

It's not a "modified production vehicle," is it? Then it isn't a
legal D Mod car. In fact, it's a replica of a car that was
specifically developed as a race car.

> and that it was never a "Production Race Vehicle".

That's true as well.

In the case of one-offs or replicas, there is no usable
definition of "standard equipment." For this reason alone, such
cars don't fit into any class based on production vehicles.


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