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Re: A way to reduce some classes

To: "Jay Mitchell" <>
Subject: Re: A way to reduce some classes
Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2001 16:31:22 -0400
> Dennis "the medication needs adjusting again" says:

Gee Jay, who the hell pissed in your cornflakes today?

> Define"new." If you're saying that folks aren't generally setting
> up their 2001 Z06s for SP (actually, I do know one competitor
> who's doing just that), so what? Most folks who buy nice new
> sports cars tenr to wait a few years before they blueprint the
> motors and such. How "new" is the current crop of SM cars?

I'd tend to agree - SP/SM is a good place where obsolete Stock class cars
can get an extra lease on life without having to go all the way to

But the current crop of SP cars seems really heavy with 80's cars, and
light on 90's cars, with the obvious exception of ESP.

> Take a look at the 2000 Nationals entry list. Do some statistics.
> Prove your assertion, if you can. Until then, it's just more of
> your BS.

And **I'm** the one needing medication? Pot. Kettle. Black.

But I'll take that challenge:

>From Nats 2000. Winners:

                      ASP: 1966 Lotus Elan (35 years old)
                      BSP: 1989 Corvette (12 years old)
                      CSP: 1990 Miata (11 years old)
                      (second and third place cars were 25 and 29 years old)
                      DSP: 1980 Fiat X 1/9 (21 years old)
                      ESP: 1995 BMW M3 (6 years old)
                      (second place car was 13 years old)
                      FSP: 1981 VW Sirracco (20 years old)

That's an average of 17.5 years old. The average 2000 Nats SP winning car
is old enough to drive itself.

> Again, who cares? If this "mystery person" actually wants to make
> assertions re SP vs. SM, do him (her) the courtesy of allowing
> him to do so own his own. How are we to know that you didn't
> fabricate this "mystery person?"

Because maybe they don't particularly care for being flamed perchance?

And the idea that I'd fabricate fake people and opinions is such a howler
that it's not worth denying. If "mystery man" chooses to take credit for
his idea, he will do so on his own.

Go take a time-out Jay. Let us know when you're ready to talk at the adult
table again.


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