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Speed Creep - Powers to Be Opinion

To: Net <>
Subject: Speed Creep - Powers to Be Opinion
From: "Robert M. Pickrell Jr." <>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2001 07:40:44 -0500
You folks never cease to amaze me. I generally ignore posts, as so many of the
posts digress into personal conflicts and name calling. Then
we have  these statements of
fact dreamed up inside someone's head. Not to mention the
statements of SCCA's
"Powers to be intent" that again seem to come from

ever you want to
call it. We believe that the Tour was to FAST, based upon
one of our members

To touch on some of the comments I have  seen. Run off room
does not allow speeds in
excess of the  rules. You can have a mile of run off room
and must  still adhere to the max
speed rules. By the way max speed is under 2.1.A Please read
the entire paragraph, and
bear in mind that the maximums are for the perfect site, of
which there are  very few.
Although the site in question probably fits.

As for the course, lot size and changes to design. The
course "Should have been set well
ahead of  time, with a SSS's approval. This was not done and
this problem will be
clarified, and steps  taken to rectify the problem at future
events. While this is a Region
responsibility,  there is some confusion as to the process
and  we are going to clear that

Official  concern will be voiced in the  upcoming Safety
Belt which thanks to Loren
William's and the Wichita Region is available for all to
read on the  Wichita Region Web Site . Just because you do
not see immediate action by SCCA does not mean there is no

Note SCCA safety people DO NOT think we are ok with the
Speed Creep we are seeing.
In fact this has already been a subject in a past Safety
Belt. Speeds at Nationals Last year
have also been discussed with this thought in mind. SCCA
Officials are not a bunch of
Hypocrites Paul, we are also not likely to knee jerk like
many of the comments on this list.

While I am talking to you Paul, incident reports are going
to be available to the general
population when we can: 1. Get the information reliably,
(Like if you fill out the incident
report and  send  it in as required, and we gather it into a
database that is usable.)
To date we have not had such a data base. The SSC is and has
been working on this
project for the last few months, and are close to finishing
it. We plan to present the generic
data to the Autocross community, and keep it updated.

The comment to re-read the rules with emphasis on "normally"
and "generally. Yes the
rules are written with out an absolute with reason;
insurance and law suit reasons. It is our
opinion the Ft Worth event was not "generally" well within
the guidelines and the highest
speeds were in excess of those we want to see. Therefore you
are not generally correct
or normally qualified to speak for SCCA or its SSC.

Rob Pickrell
SSC Member

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