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Re: "new" scca logo

To: <>
Subject: Re: "new" scca logo
From: "George Ryan" <>
Date: Sun, 8 Apr 2001 09:29:00 -0500
Mike Smith wrote:
> <major snip>
> What would you do, create a complete classing scheme just for
> classics? As if we don't have enough classes already?
> <major snip>

In the past few years, classes have been created for Karts, the ST classes
have been added, currently Street Mod, and conversations about SM2 are

Why not add classes to allow the very roots of the concept of SCCA to play?
Somebody said in an earlier post that they would be under subscribed classes.
I think the success of marque clubs for the various examples indicate that
might not be true.

Several current sports cars are classed very competitively, but after a few
years and some improvements, all cars seem to be be left in the same classes
as the newer cars are added, and then they aging cars fade in popularity.

My reasoning and examples may be flawed, but as both Charlie Davis and Phil
Ethier have pointed out, the club does not subscribe to their original
charter. That was the topic in my original post, and remains my position.

And I think that it is sad that roots are forgotten due to growth. Of that,
the SCCA is guilty, don't you agree?


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