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Re: STS and SM bogus counting?

Subject: Re: STS and SM bogus counting?
From: Pat Kelly <>
Date: Sat, 09 Dec 2000 17:46:53 -0800
Except for one major change: The Rookie classes will be called Novice
classes, otherwise exactly the same...this will ease scoring problems on
class names. :-)
--Pat Kelly wrote:
> In a message dated 12/9/00 5:29:58 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> writes:
> > The bottom line, in my opinion, is that offering classes like ST and SM
> > converts more people to "serious" autocrossers, who would otherwise have
> > been diletants.  At least speaking for me and 1 other rookie SM-er from SFR.
> >
> Thanks, Brooks.  And That is why we have the classes.  I would think at this
> point that SFR would probably resist any more classes, though.  I'm guessing
> the Steering Committee will probably leave things as they are for 2001.

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