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Re: STS and SM bogus counting?

Subject: Re: STS and SM bogus counting?
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 15:41:41 EST
In a message dated 12/9/00 11:38:08 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> Just reciting a litany of entries is pointless.  In SFR we averaged 10 
> entries
> in ST and 7 in SM.  How many wouldn't have been there but for those classes?
> Hard to say, but based on talking to the drivers I'd say only a couple.  The
> others would have simply entered in some combination of ESP, CSP, and OSP.  
> In
> fact, they entered in whichever class registration suggested they enter 
> based on
> their preparation description, then looked at the best-prepared cars in that
> class and planned their mods accordingly.
Kevin has a very good point.  On the other hand, out of our average of 
219/event, 74/event were entered in one of our 7 Rookie classes.  Rookie 4, 
which was made up of cars prepped to Street Touring and Street Mod rules, 
averaged 11.  And of course, they could all have run in one of our Rookie 
classes that included A-O/SP, too, and probably would have.

How many people came out specifically because we gave them a place to play?  
I doubt very many.  How many will we retain because ST and SM exist?  We 
won't ever know...  If the classes are successful, they stay, if not, they 

BTW, SFR is trying to figure out how to decrease participation.  We've had 
270+ at a site with a starting time of 10:00 AM and a restriction that we not 
use our PA system...  Welcome to paradise!


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