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Re: STS and SM bogus counting?

Subject: Re: STS and SM bogus counting?
From: Benjamin D Thatcher <>
Date: Sat, 9 Dec 2000 15:48:51 +0000
> To be useful, you have to put this data in some kind of context:
> - How many of those entries are new participants?

Almost all of them.
> - How many of those entries would be participating in a different 
> class if there
> were no SM/ST?

That's kind of a no-brainer isn't it? If SM/ST aren't offered it's
obvious that they would have to enter a different class.
> The
> others would have simply entered in some combination of ESP, CSP, 
> and OSP.  In
> fact, they entered in whichever class registration suggested they 
> enter based on
> their preparation description, then looked at the best-prepared cars 
> in that
> class and planned their mods accordingly.

Uh, someone brand new is pretty much at our mercy to know where to place
their car in a class. See my comments above.

Ben Thatcher
Apex Benefit Services & Motorsports
Stockbridge, GA

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