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Contributing to the SM Inclusion List

Subject: Contributing to the SM Inclusion List
Date: Tue, 5 Dec 2000 11:02:30 -0500
As some of you have seen now, SM is in the process of creating a class
inclusion list for the 2002 season. The intent is to list all cars eligible
for SM, so that we can do away with "sports car based", "4 seats" and like
language in the rules. If you're on the list, you're in.

There are many advantages to doing it this way, not the least of which is
that we don't have to deal with somebody sneaking in something completely
unforseen and knocking over the apple cart. "Apply to get in" is MUCH
better than "Apply to kick the other guy out"

The current **DRAFT** of this inclusion list is posted at (although we'll probably move it to
the SM Home Page in the new year)

One of the issues we have with this list is that we must consider every
single car out there, in order to either add it to the list or strike it
off - so this is going to take some time. We also do not profess to know
every single minute detail about every car ever made, so we tend to err on
the side of caution - better to ban a legit car, and then allow it at a
later date, than to allow an overdog, have someone build it, and then ban
them. Banning built cars sucks!

Note as well that the list of cars struck from the SM inclusion list starts
to look like the inclusion list for SMS, which a little bird has told me
may be placed on the books as a provisional class for 2002, given enough
member support....

If you happen to be an expert on a given line of cars, please throw a hairy
eyeball at the current **DRAFT** list. If we have an omission (of a car
that should be struck or not) if we have struck a car that does not deserve
it, or if we have allowed in a car that deserves to be struck, please let
us know! What we would like to do is have the list completed by the end of
March or so, and then open the struck/not struck lines for open debate.

Keep in mind the following:

1) Assume all cars make infinate HP
2) The benchmark car is a fully built Civic - eligible SM cars should, when
fully prepared, perform at similar levels (or lower) than the benchmark.

Karl Witt is the current ListMeister. I'll let Karl tell you how he'd like
submissions to be handled.


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