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RE: Mr Video has arrived in Misery

To: "'autocross list'" <>
Subject: RE: Mr Video has arrived in Misery
From: "Linnhoff, Eric" <>
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 08:32:47 -0500
Well, upon further investigation I pronounce this year's Mr Video coverage
of the CPL, DP and DS classes (all on the same 2 tapes) to be CRAP!!!

They rarely ever felt the need to actually swing the camera to catch the
start line action.  They zoom in way too close and you can't see what the
upconing portion of the track looks like.  The resolution is crap and the
tape at many, many, many, many points looks like they put colored filters
over the lense for a minute at a time.  And not even the same colored lense
either.  Yellow, red, orange, blue and purple.  And before you ask, yes I
tried it in other TVs and VCRs, same results so it has to be a problem on
their end or the production.

And then there's also the camera men getting so bored that they talk (often
ill) about the drivers and or simply focus in on the other camera man's
hand, arm and face.  Like I want to see that kind of crap on a
"professional" video.

Anybody know if Mr Video has an email addy?  I'd really like to forward this
message to them and voice my dissatisfaction with this year's product.  If
not I'll utilize the good old tin can & string to express my displeasure.

On a side note, I want to officially protest the course workers and T&S who
worked during the 2nd heat, north course on Wednesday for crediting me with
the wrong cones on my 2nd North course run.  I have it right here on tape
(albeit fuzzy and slightly out of focus) where I clearly did not hit the
cones they charged me with, but rather the immediately following pair of
cones.  They charged me with hitting the first pair of slalom cones of the
first slalom on the North course (which is almost impossible as you zoom
right by them anywhere from 5-10 feet to their right) when in fact I hit the
second pair which were situated right on that ridge in the pavement.  You
know, the ridge right at the 2nd pair of cones with that nice black asphalt
patch that all of CP tried their best to tear up.  ;^)

The protest thing was a joke as I ran a faster raw, and clean, run on my 3rd
attack of the course.  I feel slightly better now.

Eric Linnhoff in KC
1998 Dodge Neon R/T
#69 STS    #13 TLS

"If someone offers you a breath mint, accept it."
H. Jackson Brown, Jr. - Life's Little Treasure Book, on wisdom

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