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Re: Last posting to for Evolution

Subject: Re: Last posting to for Evolution
Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 19:00:01 EDT
In a message dated 10/06/2000 5:32:33 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

> not the popular one and/or one which I do not share.
>  Will Jean let the few negative comments run her off?  Apparently so and
>  that's too bad. I wonder (and I'm gonna fry for this) if it's because she's
>  an "emotional pregnant girl".   ;^)  There are many folks on this list who
>  do appreciate what Jean and her school have to contribute to our sport.  I
>  am such a person.

I am emotional but this is not running me off..I will lurk but not post.  I 
don't know why people think I am mad, just tired of alot of stuff that 
happens on here.  I am actually excited about having this new list...this one 
little negative has brought about some good things...  I will post to the new 
list for updates and changes, happenings, and be involved in the discussions 
in a very friendly big bench racing session...I hope all my instructors plus 
some of the lurkers and people will be involved.  I hope to have 
a chat place where say, for example,  the top AS crowd could discuss the 
movement of the S2000 without being set straight by people who don't even 
know what the car looks like or maybe has  not even seen them run...I would 
love it to be a place where the people involved with the SEB and other 
comittees can all talk about the pros and cons of issues without being told 
how bad they are doing their job and these  accusing  people  are who do not 
leave their region for an event.   I hope all pro solo competitiors can go 
and discuss races, changes beneficial to the series and not have to listen to 
people flame others -the flamers  that have never been to a pro 
entice the old gang back in who's names are listed in your rulebooks not only 
for driving achievements but for all the other outstanding awards given to 
people for their involvment.   I sincerely apologize for over posting the 
happenings for all the schools of the past 2 weeks that needed to be taken 
care of and for helping out the regions and posting another post for them...I 
am and never have been in this for making money as people who know me will 
testify..  with 70 some schools to plan for for 2001 and happening in 3 
months to start, planning is now.

So-for those people waiting for the new list, it will be announced and 
posted-ooppsss I mean spammed as soon as I know it myself.


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