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Re: Banquet Longevity

Subject: Re: Banquet Longevity
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 00:17:21 EDT
In a message dated 9/29/00 8:36:34 PM Pacific Daylight Time, 

<< Of course this begs a question of me.  As someone who doesn't autocross as
 often as he would like because I do feel it is important to go to church (I
 wish more events were on Saturdays), I have to wonder why people's
 Christian beliefs are considered offensive and people just assume that
 non-Christian beliefs are "inoffensive?"  I am not saying I am offended by
 it but I have to wonder why others are offended by my beliefs.  For
 instance, I  don't agree with using the Lord's name in vain.  I don't do
 it.  To me it's something that I don't believe is right and I don't
 particularly like to hear.  But I don't go around telling people it offends
 me and they should quit doing it.  I understand that not everyone believes
 in Jesus.  I would agree that a moment of silence to honor everyone's
 beliefs would be appropriate.  I just find it extremely hard to believe
 that using the name of Jesus in a prayer would be considered more offensive
 to non-Christians than non-Christians using the name of Jesus in their
 curses is to Christians.  No one here seems to be advocating an end to
 that.  I just don't see any forcing everywhere.  Just as I choose not to
 participate when others around me are invoking Jesus' name in vain, those
 around me can choose not to participate when I invoke it in a prayer.
 Flame me if you want, I won't reply, that's what I believe and it's not
 going to change.
 -Matt >>

Nail on the head, my man!!!!!  

Mike B. 99cm TLS#1

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