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RE: Banquet Longevity

To: "autox mailing list" <>
Subject: RE: Banquet Longevity
From: "Bill Fuhrmann" <>
Date: Sat, 30 Sep 2000 18:25:15 -0500
> I don't believe I, or anyone else, has expressed this.  We were talking
> about a Christian prayer.  I don't believe that a prayer at the start of
> the banquet is appropriate.  A moment of silence is appropriate, as people
> can do what they want with it.
> If it had been a Jewish, satanic, or athestic prayer, my opinion wouldn't
> change.

But it might change the opinion of some who think it is a good idea when it
matches with their beliefs.

I am not offended by them but will not take part in them either, in spite of
being a relatively conservative Christian.  Publicly joining in prayer (to
me) is a statement of unity in belief.  I choose not to make that statement
in crowds of people I do not know.

Any prayer that would not offend anyone is not worth having.  Silence allows
all to worship in the best form for them.

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