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Re: Trophies

To: Randy Chase <>
Subject: Re: Trophies
From: washburn <>
Date: Tue, 26 Sep 2000 22:56:55 -0500
Randy Chase wrote:
> First define the problem we are trying to solve. Did all of this really
> start because of the awards banquets? Now we are sidetracked to the
> annual Ladies Class wars and creating all kinds of solutions to problems
> that may or may not exist........
(balance snipped)

In regards to the number of trophy payouts, I'm not sure I'm trying to
solve any problem.  Amidst the discussions, and under the bi-annual
influence of Olympic diversion, my simple brain caught hold of the idea
that maybe we dilute the essence of what it means to win a trophy by
doling them out in mass quantities.  

I feel a bit awkward explaining that my 8th place finish was a *trophy*
to people un-familiar with such things.  Am I proud?  Sure, why not. 
Eighth ain't nothing to sneeze at, and I would feel the same whether it
came with a piece of wood or not.  This is admittedly a tough nut since
we all enjoy reward for our efforts, but maybe we need to evaluate how
much is too much.  Any un-intentional shortening of the awards banquet
is purely serendipidous.  ( spell-checker)  Anyway, just a
thought that I would like to hear from more people on.  Really think
about it and reply with your thoughts.

As far as the Ladies Class?   No, no,..... NO opinion!  ;)


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